The Terrapin Poem

The Terrapin Poem
A hatchling eastern box turtle cautiously crawls along the ground looking for food, and exploring the world.

Another poem post. Now, this is not about anything historical, its actually my first non-history related post since my first one. Nor is it looking at an artifact in a different way. “The Terrapin” is just a fun little poem I recently wrote at my girlfriend’s house, after finishing painting with her. It was a sort of challenge. We were trying to see what kind of poem I could just write out in my little notebook without much thought or planning in a short period of time. Below is what I got. I also did one about a sea horse, but that will take lots of work to polish up. I hope you enjoy!

"The Terrapin"
By: Daniel Derasaugh

A rock?
No, a nice smooth stone.
Rounded and painted by God.

It moves!
A small, cautious step.
It looks around after a pause.

It sees me!
Don’t be scared.
In its head and legs go!

Now again;
a round, painted stone.